Thursday, April 15, 2010

Check check..Style check

A bollywood channel(as they call themselves) in its Style Manta programme was giving a style tip, solid color like red,green,yellow footwears are in vogue (ok we hear it as a new style tip though its not a new trend anymore) .

Colored shoes not only making rounds among celebraties or collegians,a few casual office goers are also flaunting their yellow-green-red crocs.personally i think these stylos looked anything but chic (read hideous) and i have honoured those fashionista with anything but an admiring look(read straight amused).

But wait a minute,Can we do a reality check? Cant we see that these colors just dont complement the Indian skin tone not surely as footwears.Even a certain Akhshaya Kumar looked terrible in his yellow shoes.

Do we need to follow something as fashion even when it just caricatures us!!if an individual is experimental,stll acceptable,But if you are representing a country and trying to make a fashion statement or you are burdened with the glorious task of being a trend setter,then please please do a reality check :).

In case you wish to divert all attention rather say stares to just your feet,wear one of those colored pairs!!

i am no fashionista ,no style guru,
but my eyes certainly has a choice like you do.Sorry cant be blinded by those color hues....they may be funky to an extent to be horrendous but not truly fashionable on Indian feet !!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I could copy my contacts in my new SIM card ...its a news??

yeseterday I had a tiff with a close friend of mine.This time it was his turn to count my shortcomings and follies :(

some of his statements were exaggeration,some mis-interpretation but there were also some ,which were facts .Facts of me being a human ,sometimes hypocrite ,sometime lazy and sometimes a little cheat .

my little memory carried the conversation to the next day .

Hours ago I was changing my SIM card,and though i have been using a cell phone for several years,I have never done the copying of numbers between SIM and phone.You may find it stupid,idiotic ,lame , watsoever but it is it :( .I was about to call a friend to ask where is the option and how to do it even without once trying myself.

But my friend's words stuck me "You say ,'I wont do it' ,when actually the fact is You cant do it ".....its hurting considering his accusing tone.

I picked up my cell phone ,fondled a bit between options and SIM cards ,and could copy my contacts back to my SIM.its a little thing may be,but at that point it was important for me considering the fact that, i always avoid doing or learning new things which i know somebody can easily do for me. Hmmm..Average human learn hard way,I guess!!!(sigh)

TV schedules Online

If you are reading this blog,its more likely that for you internet is more handy than printed newspaper :)

and like me if you are also wondering if there is any site that can give you TV programmes schedules online,then here you go,check

You can set your favorite channels as well .So if you are a movie buff like me,select channels of your choice and plan your treat for the day :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

A lovely lesson from a DOG inscribed in my keychain

When loved ones come home,always run to greet them

Run,romp and play daily

When you're happy,dance around and wag your entire body

Eat with enthusiasm

Take naps and stretch before rising

Let others know when they've invaded your territory

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

When someone is having bad day,be silent,sit close by and nuzzle them gently

Delight in the simple joys of a long walk

Be loyal

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Write about the stranger u just came across somewhere

Guys ,Check this out

I chanced upon this site,it is another micro-blogging site with a twisted style. here you are anonymous and you can write about an absolute stranger you came across or noticed somewhere infact anywhere in the world.may be while waiting for the green signal,eating your vadapav at the nearby stall or simply idling in the mall...

Here is what says about itself
The community is for people who have an opinion about the world, and about random people they see everyday.

While in the real world it is impossible to walk up to each random person and give them a compliment or criticize for their actions, posting a blauk makes it easier and those being talked about can easily identify themselves by the description of the person, place and time you give.

Check out,may be somebody has noticed you while you were bargaining in that road side stall or arguing with your boyfriend and blauked about you . :)
So,wanna hit ,spit or marvel at somebody random,here at the ,you can write in .
Enjoy Blogging..umm Blauking :) !!

Friday, April 2, 2010

So you know all about Fish ??

uh..huh..even the kid in kindergarten knows that..
Lets discover more about the word "Fish"(though mostly used as slangs ),here we go..

a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed.

acronym for "fit, intelligent, sexy, hot".

a heavy drinker.

a person in their first year of high school,a Freshman

one dollar.

a new prisoner.

So,brush up your slangs !!! gear up to be sophisticatedly filthy :)