Saturday, October 24, 2009


O''' u thought i am going to write few quick steps for "How to be a super woman"....
sorry ... i am not doing any such thing...
Lady,why you need to sweat your way out and in your workplace and your home,just to prove yourself "I am not weak,and much more or atleast as capable as the man(whoever it boss,my boyfriend,my hubby)"...did i hear it right!!! Dont go anywhere.Just look at your own body..a tender body..Why nature made men muscular and why made you feminine!!!
there is surely a reason to that....

Do u know

Men have larger hearts and lungs, and their higher levels of testosterone cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells

Differences in intake and delivery of oxygen translates into some aspects of performance: when a man is jogging at about 50% of his capacity, a woman will need to work at over 70% of her capacity to keep up with him.

Women are more sensitive to sound than men.

Men are over 30% stronger than women, especially in the upper body.

So,here point i want to bring is,Lady,You and me have been tailor made by the nature to do certain things with certain limits,If you stretch the limit and break the elasticity ,you are ....definityly..broken !!

Respect and Love your natural self..Know your strengths and accept your limitations gracefully...cheers to your womanhood!!


  1. i don't know much about the biological differences,, it is good. but one thing comes into my mind ,,,,that if you want to do something then there is nothing to prove that who u r ( a muscular or a faminine ). i am not oppose to the nature but i think its more of the choice and confidance which made us to decide nd not bcos to prove a super man or women. as a female i shouldn't prefere to limit myself in the name of nature.....i think all that set is to make a societal balance.

  2. Hey Jayanti thanks a lot for your point of view..
    I agree with you when you say "i think all that set is to make a social balance".i just urge our female fraternity not to go overboard with something just to prove ourselves and left exhausted..And how many times a man rushes to his kitchen without changing his office wear to put that cooker or kettle on gas so that by the time he changes his cloth half the job is done and he can serve his family food on time..when the last time i heard that a male colleague has taken leave to attend his sick child or to attend his child's parent teachers meeting..i dont remember seeing any male colleague frowning because he has to sit late and cant reach home on time to tender his family..
    have heard from many working woman that they cant afford to fall sick as they have exhuasted their leave during last family crisis..
    my simple point is as women we need to and we are engineered to take care of this front of life so we can be bit relaxed at some other fronts of life when her man(or the man) can take care of that
    and anytime my hats off to all the brave women for trying and achieving that "social balance"...I surely respect your views and it is just mine :) keep writing ..:)
