Thursday, April 15, 2010

Check check..Style check

A bollywood channel(as they call themselves) in its Style Manta programme was giving a style tip, solid color like red,green,yellow footwears are in vogue (ok we hear it as a new style tip though its not a new trend anymore) .

Colored shoes not only making rounds among celebraties or collegians,a few casual office goers are also flaunting their yellow-green-red crocs.personally i think these stylos looked anything but chic (read hideous) and i have honoured those fashionista with anything but an admiring look(read straight amused).

But wait a minute,Can we do a reality check? Cant we see that these colors just dont complement the Indian skin tone not surely as footwears.Even a certain Akhshaya Kumar looked terrible in his yellow shoes.

Do we need to follow something as fashion even when it just caricatures us!!if an individual is experimental,stll acceptable,But if you are representing a country and trying to make a fashion statement or you are burdened with the glorious task of being a trend setter,then please please do a reality check :).

In case you wish to divert all attention rather say stares to just your feet,wear one of those colored pairs!!

i am no fashionista ,no style guru,
but my eyes certainly has a choice like you do.Sorry cant be blinded by those color hues....they may be funky to an extent to be horrendous but not truly fashionable on Indian feet !!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I could copy my contacts in my new SIM card ...its a news??

yeseterday I had a tiff with a close friend of mine.This time it was his turn to count my shortcomings and follies :(

some of his statements were exaggeration,some mis-interpretation but there were also some ,which were facts .Facts of me being a human ,sometimes hypocrite ,sometime lazy and sometimes a little cheat .

my little memory carried the conversation to the next day .

Hours ago I was changing my SIM card,and though i have been using a cell phone for several years,I have never done the copying of numbers between SIM and phone.You may find it stupid,idiotic ,lame , watsoever but it is it :( .I was about to call a friend to ask where is the option and how to do it even without once trying myself.

But my friend's words stuck me "You say ,'I wont do it' ,when actually the fact is You cant do it ".....its hurting considering his accusing tone.

I picked up my cell phone ,fondled a bit between options and SIM cards ,and could copy my contacts back to my SIM.its a little thing may be,but at that point it was important for me considering the fact that, i always avoid doing or learning new things which i know somebody can easily do for me. Hmmm..Average human learn hard way,I guess!!!(sigh)

TV schedules Online

If you are reading this blog,its more likely that for you internet is more handy than printed newspaper :)

and like me if you are also wondering if there is any site that can give you TV programmes schedules online,then here you go,check

You can set your favorite channels as well .So if you are a movie buff like me,select channels of your choice and plan your treat for the day :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

A lovely lesson from a DOG inscribed in my keychain

When loved ones come home,always run to greet them

Run,romp and play daily

When you're happy,dance around and wag your entire body

Eat with enthusiasm

Take naps and stretch before rising

Let others know when they've invaded your territory

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

When someone is having bad day,be silent,sit close by and nuzzle them gently

Delight in the simple joys of a long walk

Be loyal

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Write about the stranger u just came across somewhere

Guys ,Check this out

I chanced upon this site,it is another micro-blogging site with a twisted style. here you are anonymous and you can write about an absolute stranger you came across or noticed somewhere infact anywhere in the world.may be while waiting for the green signal,eating your vadapav at the nearby stall or simply idling in the mall...

Here is what says about itself
The community is for people who have an opinion about the world, and about random people they see everyday.

While in the real world it is impossible to walk up to each random person and give them a compliment or criticize for their actions, posting a blauk makes it easier and those being talked about can easily identify themselves by the description of the person, place and time you give.

Check out,may be somebody has noticed you while you were bargaining in that road side stall or arguing with your boyfriend and blauked about you . :)
So,wanna hit ,spit or marvel at somebody random,here at the ,you can write in .
Enjoy Blogging..umm Blauking :) !!

Friday, April 2, 2010

So you know all about Fish ??

uh..huh..even the kid in kindergarten knows that..
Lets discover more about the word "Fish"(though mostly used as slangs ),here we go..

a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed.

acronym for "fit, intelligent, sexy, hot".

a heavy drinker.

a person in their first year of high school,a Freshman

one dollar.

a new prisoner.

So,brush up your slangs !!! gear up to be sophisticatedly filthy :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

A morning with Mother Nature

After a real real long time,i am home for quite a few days.with mom and dad leaving for work , i am left with a tv,a computer to babysit me :).The sas-bahu-sazish saga is exhausting me,may be the serial's content decaying terribly or i am shifting my loyality of viewership towards hollywood movies :).
With a few options left to keep me occupied whole day, i look around my home and try to do constructive things once in a while.

this morning i saw Sreedhar Uncle(our driver) cleaning the car ,he was using water drawn from the well(yeah we have a well in home :) )with a motor pump.water was rushing out of the pipe in full throttle,my moment of Eureka,hurray,time for watering the plants and some gardening.

i changed my cloth,picked up a makeshift shovel and went to the garden.Little mangoes were scattered on the ground ,the mango tree should be atleast 50 years old but still bearing fruits,my maid screamed not to throw away the mangoes as she wanted those for making chutney,i smiled at her .I emptied few unused earthen pots and started mixing the soil to plant new .suddenly i looked into my hands and grimaced thinking my nails will be soiled ,next moment i was laughing at myself,since when i became so concious :)..i carried on ,i was doing it years ago and my nails were still clean.
i picked a broom and cleaned the mid-size trees,which were somewhat covered with the dried leaves of big trees.
time to water the is fun to use ur finger tips to change the force of water coming out from pipe and create an impromptu sprinkler.i put my fingers at the opening of pipe and raised the pipe towards sky .its sunny above ,the sunrays piereced through the droplets and a rainbow was formed ,
wow,what a view,what a feel.

water cleaned bright green plants swaying under the breeze ,like a freshly bathed little gal in a green frock frolicking :)
started filing the empty pots with the soil.Time to home the little plants ,few gendas,a croton,an aloe-vera,few seasonal flowers.years ago when my mom used to come back from office carrying new plants from nursery or neighbourhood,she would ask me to plant them as it was her belief that the plants grow fast and healthy in some people's hands and i am one of them :)..this thought made me smile.
my hands ,nails were soiled,sweat drops on my forehead ,i stood and looked at the greenery around,and beamed .Nature, how comforting it is and how far we going away from it .I will soon do some more planting.

*image for display purpose only

Monday, March 22, 2010

A conversation ..

* an excerpt from the movie "When Harry met Sally.."

Harry: I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you.
Sally: What?
Harry: I love you.
Sally: How do you expect me to respond to this?
Harry: How about, you love me too.
Sally: How about, I'm leaving.
Harry: Doesn't what I said mean anything to you?
Sally: I'm sorry, Harry. I know it's New Year's Eve. I know you're feeling lonely, but you just can't show up here, tell me you love me, and expect that to make everything all right. It doesn't work this way.
Harry: Well, how does it work?
Sally: I don't know, but not this way.
Harry: How about this way? I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Sally: You see? That is just like you, Harry. You say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you, and I hate you, Harry. I really hate you. I hate you.

Quotes/Dialogues of some of my fav flicks

When Harry Met Sally...

Can men and women be friends or does always sex get in the way?
Can two friends sleep together and still love each other in the morning?.

Gone with the wind

With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.
After all... tomorrow is another day!
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Jerry Maguire

Show me the money!

A beautiful mind

The Only Thing Greater Than the Power of the Mind is the Courage of the Heart.
He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined.
I need to believe that something extra ordinary is possible...
It is only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons
can be found.

The Reader
Behind the mystery lies a truth that will make you question everything
you know.

The Pursuit of Happyness

Can I say something? Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a
question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't
know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find
the answer.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Life can only be understood backward. It must be lived forward.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Orissa is NOT about only and only flood and famine

Give give give us a biggggg break!!!
Orissa is not all about flood,famine,mal-nutrition,poverty..
its has its underbelly like any other place,but it is not definitely all about Orissa(Odisha)

One of the biggest Aluminium project of Orissa has placed its one-page Ad in TOI,first thing catches ur attention in any ad is its images,pictures,then u go about reading the rest.And the pictue this Ad carries is showing a poverty-sticken woman carrying her bare child in her arms.
i dare to ask why YOU are potraying Orissa like this to the rest of the world.
You have many sauve-intellegent oriya engineers/managers working with you,y not present them to the world.

i am sure any oriya like me must have faced many absurd questions by their colleagues/peers outside regarding power cut,floods,famine,poverty ...thanks to "whoever" has created this image of Orissa for this long.
People are surprised to know we have a writing language "Oriya" as well,which is one of the registered languages with constitution,leave alone our legacy of Oriya literature!!!Outsiders left with utter surprise,even with an information like there is really no incessant power cut ,not alleast in all part of Orissa.and eyebrows are raised in disbelief when inform them that we have MNCs in IT operating from Orissa!!!

in next few posts i will potray b'ful orissa for you ...i urge you to share pics n info regarding Orissa ,lets to our bit to undo the damages..

Friday, February 26, 2010

Short Live Kasab!!!

Kasab(sure he does not need an intro)...I have strong repulsion for this guy,so much so that i have never read anything about him in past one year,though he has occupied quite a space in our tabloids.

but..i stopped and read a news item in TOI today,"PWD has spent Rs 5 cr on securing Kasab's cell"..

this whopping mount is (mis)utilized to create an high end secure cell at Arthur jail "in order to protect him from any possible terror attack or sabotage"..

what the f***!!!!!! is he being saved for any Holy day for ordination !!

26/11-Mumbai..17/02 Pune ...and many in between.What are we actually waiting for?Another Kandahar Hijack ??? when we will be handing over "The Kasab" to the militants in exchange of hostages !!

Damn get rid of him before another mockery of our bureaucracy happens...

Short Live KASAB !!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

wow..what a !@#@$#%$%

Sometimes you flunk,and you flunk bigtime.
any amount of seemingly plausible reasons sound lame excuses to your own ears.
ok,it was a blunder,and i still trying to justify it .... huh!!!
cheer up gal, u n me do that not the perfect machines..

(sigh) gonna remember it for sometime,ok may be till tomorrow morning!!!
he he he

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No "Thank You ..blah blah" at Oscar

Academy Award organizers have come up with a novel idea of saving us from those quite-impromptu-yet-well-revised Thank-You speeches by the Oscar winners .
The winners will be giving two speeches,one onstage to the world proclaiming their love for the black lady and second backstage for "Thank You Cam",where they can send their thank-you-dahling notes to whoever they want.

Quite an idea!!!i like it.
Why not,with celebs sharing every bit of their life on web,its never a bad idea in fact a but obvious thing to post their "Thank-you" notes/videos over web for anybody who cares to listen .

Lets see ,who cares to spare us ..:)

Monday, January 4, 2010

The last decade in my life..

just entered into the year 2010.
Left behind a decade of events and effects.
i looked into the last decade in my personal life and in no
moment realised that its been the most important decade of my life.

Right a decade ago enrolled into the professional course.
Shifted to a hostel away from home, the very day home became a monthly
visiting place,and i,an adorable guest.
friends became family,unofficially took the reign of my life.
Fell in love,felt the ecstasy,and realised strong bonds are beyond
blood relations.
fell out of love,renewed it again,and eventually lost it to
destiny,felt the inexplicable pain that happens from a bleeding heart .
Met some great people,bacame friends,bonds grew stronger with every
rolling tears of sorrows and joys shared.
Managed a degree,new real world mess started pouring in..MBA or Job.
Decision making time.
Took another big leap in life.A job.A new found freedom that solely
money provided.Officially took the reign of life.
With handful of money ,many first of things followed,signing
cheques,paying bills,buying gifts,picking up stuff without much
bothering for price tag.

Life's dimensions were changing.
Alertness took over innocence.Smartness took over ignorance.Mind took
over matter,still the heart slipped in and out in between.

Gain and something and gained some more..lost some more

In the last leg of this decade,another milestone of this decade to be achieved,fingers crossed.