Friday, December 25, 2009

3 idiots...

watched the movie....

its not just a movie..its a social Phonomenal movements which has surely stirred mind of every single viewer....

Amir Khan...."SuperStar" is just not enough for this man!!!he is a new age social enterprenaur..whose manifestation of responsibilities towards society is clearly through his movies...This man is rocking..rocking the mind of young india..with his latest movie "3 idiots",he has made us notice the obvious falacy in our education system and so our parenting..
there may come more from these deadly combo of Amir-Vidhu-Hirani....

i really missed of not being an idiot like "Ranjo"...or atleast not coming across with one ..

A must watch for every Indian ....we have to act before we loose some of our sunshine to the falacious system ...


Its christmas today.

And being away from home is so sickening :(

i miss everything back home on christmas.
Screaming of mom & grandmom to get up early and gather for family paryer,those early morning family gathering for worshiping with half shut eyes and steaming coffee...
touching feet to have blessings of elders,those wishes with hugs and kisses..and then another round of cake and coffee..
Dad screaming at the near by mutton shop to give the best of its kind for a sumptuous meal..those loaded phone call wishes of family and frens ...
those tiffs wid mom not to go to neighbours for giving goodies...
and then the mass gathering time at the local church...
meeting everybody whom you hardly met in the whole year and exchanging wishes...

damn i miss it :(

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

do the right things right way,,,,n u r just NOBODY!!

freaky way of doing things...

first you plan measurably,then u execute awakwardly,right after that starts pouring consequences..deadly consequences...

u re-excute in hurry to get things going ASAP,And right after that you get into another cycle of failed consequences because u dont fix stuff actually u do a work around for the time being..
by the time ur work around fails in the day light,u are already escalated.

Then u struggle and again do some more work around,things stat working (for the time being),and ah!!! u r a star for getting things worked!!!!

alas..if it is not ur modus operandi,if u start right,work smart and give straight output,u r just nobody ..u did another simple job on another mundane day!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Power ..that creates a distance

How frequently in your opinion it occurs that people cant make their disagreement or displeasure clear to the authorities because they are afraid of the authorities,infact their power???
Quite often,in my opinion.
There is an study by Hofstede that suggests that such kind of behaviour is not only individualistic but the community to which individual belongs also play a major role to instill such kind of timid behaviour in an individual.
he terms it as the Power Distance Index.
It measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. So they feel inappropriate to question the authority even if they feel certain things or situations to be improper,unsafe or not upto standard .
The lowest PDI is that of Austalia at 11.That suggests Australia does not have a large gap between the wealthy and the poor, but have a strong belief in equality for each citizen. They have the opportunity to rise in society.Malaysia stands highest in PDI at 104,that suggests there is a huge gap of power proportion.
And we in India are at 77,still it is a hindrance to rise as a society if there is such inequalities.
So its time to bridge the gap caused by power.If we are leader we should encourage people to speak up and also consider their opinions .and if we are followers we should learn to be assertive without being offensive.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Roses..ugh..keep them away!!!

What would be your reaction if somebody gifts you a Rose or a lovely bouque!!!
You will admire the beauty of it ,will have a pleasant feeling..

and I was thinking this is an obvious reaction of rest of the world till
I Came across an interesting word with a weird meaning..Anthophobia...."Fear of flowers"..

People suffering from Anthophobia experience anxiety at the sight or thought of flowers.Any genus or species of flowers can instill fear, as can any flower part, such as a petal or stem.
Queen Elizabeth I of England suffered from anthophobia, roses in particular.

Strange ,one of the most beautiful creations on this earth can cause fear in somebody.So next time watch out ,you are not scaring somebody with what you think a beautiful gift indded :)

Note -do not confuse with "Anthrophobia",which means "Fear of people"

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your pick..Love or Hate

Sunday morning starts with a cup of tea and Sunday Times.There comes a "Mind Over Matter" page,full of insights .

While going through the newspaper and listening to AR mind suddenly veered to OSCAR speech of AR Rahman few months back..part of it was..

"All my life I had the choice between hate and love. I choose love and here I am."

When the very first time I read this as part of his OSCAR speech,i just paused for a while and repeated this sentence in my!!! how believably true..Sometimes complex problems have a very straight simple solutions...

This is such a neat and straight answer to many of my decision to"love or hate" that moment decides the rest...

Rahman..Kudos to you for your outstanding music and this marvellous insight.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I regret ...I want to meet her

The all sacrosanct CAT(Common Aptitude Test) preparation class was going on..that day it was English class. Half of the way we last benchers started murmuring as the trainer was losing her grip on our attention.This murmuring rippled to the first bench gradually...our trainer realized that she had lost our attention and thought of bringing back the life to the class .She stopped teaching for a while and started talking about her brother who was preparing for some of his final examination...
her brother used to find his closed room suffocating and he shifted his base to the terrace of their four floor building...and now he spends more time with his books on the terrace..
we were listening to her and expecting few more preachings from her...she paused for a while and started again .
one day she went to terrace where her brother was studying..but he was missing from the piles of books..after looking here and there she found him standing at the corner of terrace looking away..actually ..looking at ..the Girls' hostel...

Girls' hostel...bang bang bang something interesting coming up
...she continued..

she quietly was staring from back of his brother at the get the glimpse of the place where his brother was absorbed....and could see through few open windows..girls' at their activities..

her words grabbing the attention fast and class is all ears for some tantalizing stuff..she continued after checking that she has managed to get the attention back..
there were gals in shorts, skirts..and few revealing clothes..oblivious of the outside attention a group of gals were doing some dil-dhak-dhak steps of madhuri..another was probably lying and reading on her bed with her half bare legs raised on the window ..

the class was already roaring with laughter ...yeah!!! she had successfully managed to grab the attention ...

There i was!!! sitting with my heads down...there is an urge to stand up and speak...

she is talking about girls' hostel..

yeah my hostel, she stays nearby my hostel..words were choking .I wanted to shut her up..she is making fun of the place which is home to me for last 4 years and those gals are like my family..What she expected of us to shut our windows all the time even if it is the third or fourth floor room!! or put a ghoongat when the window is opened!!she is in fact a peeping tom..peeping into our home.. our lives and making tantalizing statements in front of a class of 35-40,with a male population of 80%....

i could not hear what else she was fist was tight...i was lost in my thought..after sometime i realized the laughter had ceased though there were still some giggling around..class continued..I was disturbed for rest of the class ,throughout the class i wanted to stand up and speak my mind..class got over..i was still at my desk... unsure of what to do!! or probably afraid of some unknown fear..and came back to hostel with a heavy heart...never raised this topic with her..

it happened years is still fresh in my mind.

I regret....i regret for not standing up...not speaking up on behalf of my family and home...I want to meet her...this time i am sure words wont choke!!!!

do you also want to meet somebody someday not to say sorry but to speak your mind which that day that moment you could not utter...and still regret!!! here your space..write in

Sunday, October 25, 2009

20 rupees lottery

My local from Andheri was about to start,I was sipping my Appy drink and was settling comfortably for next 1 hour's journey...
then a boy of around 6-7 years started sweeping our boggy with a piece cloth which seemed to be his worn out shirt .In a hurry i finished my appy and threw the cartoon into the mess ,and relieved that i dont have to look for a place to dispose the cartoon..

he swept away the mess and few of us gave him coins for his hard(?) work(O..atleast he is not purely begging :) )

10 mins passed ,i was looking at my watch..then a pair of hands stretched towards me drew my was another boy cleaning the our boggy but this boy had started cleaning from the other end of the boggy...and i was bit surprised to see the mess he has collected..i was somehow curiously looking at the mess and thinking what all then the other boy cleaned..and we rewarded him with few changes..then suddenly an Appy cartoon caught my attention.Alas!!! it is the cartoon i threw(atleast i was 90% sure of it being the cartoon thrown by me),it was a tetra pack and i had not taken out the straw...

O....then the mess was never collected and taken out of the local and they are wisely moving same mess to and forth ;)!!! what a support system to give each other opportunity to earn...i was smiling to myself..

i thought no chance i am not going to give u single penny boy!!!before i could think anything there was a pretty 20-somthing gal sitting infront of me..opened her purse and i anticipated her being generous with the boy and give him few changes(ok ok may be she has not noticed or she does not mind the mess being wisely travelled throgh our boggy)..

she took out a 20rupees note and handed it to the boy....wattttttttttt....yyyyyyyyyy ??
only the onlooker can say who was more amused me or the boy who was checking turning it again and again (ya boy u just won a lottery of 20 rupees)...

French manicure ..the classic look

You love your nails to be well groomed but neither want them to flashy or fussy,then probably french manicure is the right choice for you.
A French manicure is a style of polishing the nails wherein white paint is applied to the tips of the fingernails, and the rest of the nails are given a pink coat or painted with sheer polish that is colored either pale pink or very light beige.
Steps of french manicure
1.Remove your old nail polish
2.Clean your nails and give hem a trim.
3.Apply a thin and even base coat to your nails
4. put a tip guide to your nail to cover the lower part of your nail as well as follow the curve of your nail tip's natural white.
5. Apply white polish to the exposed tips of your fingernails, and then let them dry.
6.When the white polish on the tips of your fingernails is dry, remove the nail tip guides thoroughly.
7.And then, paint the entire length of your nails with a beige polish. Two coats of this polish may be necessary.
8.After this, put a layer of top coat on your nails.
9.This is the last step; after putting on the top coat, dry your nails and make sure they dry completely.
Its really tricky as the degree of accuracy needed for the job is high.
So,lady for that extra little help you can always go to drugstores and beauty shops for readily-assembled nail polishing kits especially made for the French manicure. Else any time you can pamper your nails at the next beauty salon... ;)
go ahead !!have the experience,its worth it...but before that do not forget to grow some nails...
and after that do not forget to share your experience here...waiting indeed :)

Lorem ipsum...

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Cool you came to this line...u thought it is some french.latin..greek..And I have posted it as i have learnt the new foreign language...right?? i also had come across such all greek before day before yesterday and was dismissing it as some foreign language..

it is Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

then you may ask even if dummy text,why is it not readable!!

Because it is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Here our motto is to check out the layout rather than the actual content..

So next time you get a wireframe for your project or checking the new layout for your blog you know you just seeing some loren!!

have been reading printed words for decades and this amazing concept of creating some prints just came to my notice two days back,when a colleague thought there is a peculiar similarity between my name and lipsum!! :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Make my day!!! Leave me alone....

When last time a friend ...ur partner ..ur family member was upset about somthing...
and keeping to himself ...and u were all set to cheer him up by being around..cajoling,reasoning,encouraging...
but got a back firing saying "leave me alone !!!"..and you were wondering wat the hell....i am just trying to help you out...
happens..lots of time!!
but somtimes we have to leave the other person alone and let him be by himself...that's best help you can do to him by giving him his own space..let him sink in his own feelings..
ok i am bad at writing..there is severe flaw in my way of writing..but then its a thought i wanted to share with you....what you think leaving somebody alone sometimes really makes his day better!!

Do i need to save money for rainy days?

your first response was yes..sure ....definitely!!!
No...u did not say that you can fortify my views on this and lessen my guilt feeling of not being the kind of person to save...
what all are those calamities counted under the "rainy days"

ooppsss..gotta move....wil be back


O''' u thought i am going to write few quick steps for "How to be a super woman"....
sorry ... i am not doing any such thing...
Lady,why you need to sweat your way out and in your workplace and your home,just to prove yourself "I am not weak,and much more or atleast as capable as the man(whoever it boss,my boyfriend,my hubby)"...did i hear it right!!! Dont go anywhere.Just look at your own body..a tender body..Why nature made men muscular and why made you feminine!!!
there is surely a reason to that....

Do u know

Men have larger hearts and lungs, and their higher levels of testosterone cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells

Differences in intake and delivery of oxygen translates into some aspects of performance: when a man is jogging at about 50% of his capacity, a woman will need to work at over 70% of her capacity to keep up with him.

Women are more sensitive to sound than men.

Men are over 30% stronger than women, especially in the upper body.

So,here point i want to bring is,Lady,You and me have been tailor made by the nature to do certain things with certain limits,If you stretch the limit and break the elasticity ,you are ....definityly..broken !!

Respect and Love your natural self..Know your strengths and accept your limitations gracefully...cheers to your womanhood!!

Consistency ....

Consistency ,an important vitue of winners .
If you consistent enough to take a single step every day towards your goal,you are there !!!